Saturday, September 13, 2014

Jack's Adventure in Boston - May 30th

Today we had lovely weather (Ciocia Ada said it was not at all like the usual Boston weather.)  In the morning I built my Lego helicopter. Then we hit the road and headed along the Atlantic coast to Plymouth.  This is where the first settlers (Pilgrims) who arrived from England in 1620 on the Mayflower lived.
We saw the famous stone "Plymouth Rock" where the Pilgrims first stepped on American soil.  We saw the Mayflower II, which is a replica of the Mayflower.  And we went to Plymouth Plantation where we toured a 17th century Pilgrim Settlement and the Village of the friendly Wampanoag Indians.  The Indian Village was AWESOME!

 Plymouth Rock

 The Mayflower II

 Plymouth Settlement

 Visiting the Wompanoag Homesite

 The Governor and the Great Sachem (Chief)

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