Saturday, September 13, 2014

Boston - May 31st

Today was a tough day. A day full of history and of walking around the big city of Boston.
We started by taking the bus and the subway (green line) to Copley Square where we saw the famous Trinity Church and the Boston Marathon monument.  
Then we walked to the Public Garden and saw the statue of George Washington.  I also ate chocolate ice cream, fed the squirrels and played on the "Make Way For Ducklings" statue.  I said hi to each duckling individually, their names are Jack, Kack, Lack, Mack, Nack, Oack, Pack and Quack.
We walked through Boston Common (founded in 1634), where General Washington's soldiers set up tents during the Revolutionary War.  I also got to ride on the Frog Pond Carousel and saw the golden dome of the State House.
We followed the red line of the Freedom Trail all the way to Faneuil Hall and Quincy Market.  Along the way I said hi to the Democrat Donkey and to a Silver Mime Lady who bowed to us.  Once we arrived at Quincy Market we saw shows by a juggler and by a balloon artist who made me a sword and a cool hat.
Finally, in the evening I got to rest and recover by playing games on the computer!
 Riding the Bus and the T
 Boston Marathon Monument

 Trinity Church and Plaza

 Boston Public Garden and Boston Common

 Make Way for Ducklings
 Freedom Trail

 Street Performers at Quincy Market: Juggler, Mime and Balloon Artist

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