Sunday, June 30, 2019

Vegas Baby!

Went to Vegas for nationals this year and had a great time at cove fort on the way there😉

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Jack’s 12th Birthday!

Happy birthday Jack! I can’t even believe you are 12! We went to the Christa McAuliff space center and had an awesome adventure and he is loving his new Xbox 😉


Tuesday, June 4, 2019

6th grade graduation

Jack graduated from 6th grade this year! I can't believe I have a jr. high kiddo!
And as a special treat Stephen brought the fire truck to spray down everyone!

Bon Fire

Dance Festival Fun!


We went to the zoo for Sophie's name day - such a great day and we got to celebrate with Jacqui!

Hiking and adventures

We found an awesome new rope swing up Big Springs! So fun!

My beautiful girl enjoying spring on her name day!