Saturday, August 30, 2014

The Deck!

This has been our biggest project this year.  We started working on our deck at the end of May, you can see how tiny Indie still is:)  The first picture is a before picture of how it all looked
 Then we started the tear down.  The kids would help take the boards to the side yard while Stephen and I ripped it apart board by board.
 Then we started tearing down the walls.  Originally we thought we'd just replace the floor, turned out some of the shed supports were as thin as paper.  Jack sledge hammered a lot down himself!
 We rented a Jack Hammer to take apart the big cement parts
 Ron and Stephen laid the cement frame
 We started building the structure
 The kids helped so much, especially with my MANY trips to Home Depot.  Here they are surfing on our new red wood 16' boards

 Painting the sides of the shed
The floor is laid down! Look how pretty!
 Annabelle helped me tons with painting the posts and new rails.  Ron cut all the pieces perfectly and hung the posts up so the deck is unbreakable.
 And the masterpiece!

 We are all so proud!
Jack managed to loose 4 teeth during this process! We made it just in time for Annabelle's birthday, just a few more things left to do, paint the stairs, sand and stain the floor, lighting and doors to the shed, and maybe in the spring a pergola roof.

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