I can't believe my little darling just turned 4! She has been so excited for her birthday, and helped plan all the games, she's becoming quite the little party planner:)
With Babi and Sophie showing off her birthday table and decorations
This cute girlie is ready to party with her Lala
We started out with face painting. The girls showing off their lady bugs and bumble bees
The first game was the hula hoop game
Next we played 'Down By the Banks of the Hanky Panky'
Then the ultimate showdown of Twister:)
Check out that flexibility! Even Sophie was doing some Twister, on her mommy:)
Next was Crab Soccer, not all of us got the concept of being 'crabs':)
Sophie loved hanging out on the rope swing. Tinky brought in almost all the out of bound balls
These boys had quite the goalie blocks and kicks.
Then Stephen demonstrated our obstacle course, barrel runs, tire runs, tunnels, laser frenzy, ladder climbs, balance beams, climbing up slides and down ladders, hand stands, trampoline tricks, and finally potato sack races! Oh My! what a blast!
Watch their faces, from 'sounds like fun' to 'we need to do WHAT?!'
This is one of my favorite sequences! These two girlies are so cute together!
And then dancing to Taylor Swift's 'Shake It Off'
Sitting comfy in the tires
Duck - Duck - Goose!
The birthday cake! Tink picked it out and then decorated it all on her own, she was very proud of it
Comfy in the birthday chair - "All those presents are for me, right?:)"
And finally, the pinata!
Another successful birthday!