Sunday, July 6, 2014

4th of July Week

We had a fun week, started out with a nice Sunday stroll around Cascade Springs

 Then on Tuesday morning we took the kids up to Timp Caves.  Jack loved all of it and wants to be a b.a.t.s. when he's 14, which is like a jr. ranger tour guide.  Annabelle actually loved the hike up and down, but hated being in the caves and wanted to get out the whole time.  Sophie actually hiked a good ways herself, fun times!

 After getting out of the caves
 Tink lighting her first fireworks with dad.
Annual BBQ at Ron and Carol's

 Look at the excitement on all their faces!
 Cute little buddies, they kept giving each other hugs, holding hands, and loved splashing in the puddles together:)

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