Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Wonderful Mother's Day

 I had such a wonderful Mother's Day! We celebrated for a few days, starting with going to the school Art Gala were Jack had made this awesome art collage.  The center picture is his great self portrait:)
 Then when Annabelle got done with school Thursday she made this wonderful present for me.  I love the card with her as red ranger, holding my hand, daddy is upside down:) Jack is Green Ranger, notice the awesome green hair, also holding our hand, Sophie, Babi and Ciocia Ada.  Then the paper, my favorite parts are I'm as pretty as a Van:) and I'm best at sending her to school.
 What a beautiful dress from Pra Babcia! Dziekujemy!!!
 Then Jack brought this wonderful tile back with green and white stripes, for green ranger and white ranger, but also because I like grass and the sky:) He was very excited when Annabelle gave me a tile, since he'd also made one at school.  Then he'd been asking me questions all week, like what's my favorite food, it's the spaghetti he makes, right? What's my favorite book, this one I'm reading? It's a chapter book with no pictures?? And my favorite restaurant, the Ritz (like ritz crackers I ask?) No, this fancy hotel in Boston that I have to try some time:)
Love my kids! They are so wonderful!!! Thank you!

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