Monday, June 3, 2013

Hogle Zoo

 Perfect weather to go visit the zoo today (and it was Sophie's first time!) we had a wonderful time!

 Jack with the elephant skull
 Getting ready to spray me with 'Leaf Man' (his build-a-bear)
 We are as big as Gorillas!
 First time ever we got to see the bird show - it was awesome! We sat in the front row, the kids are dancing with the cockatoo here at the beginning.
 Annabelle's favorite bird, it would land right next to us.
At one point they had a kid volunteer help "train" the birds, she was asked what her favorite animal at the zoo was, Annabelle whispered in my ear that her favorite is the lion, not the birds:)

 This pretty birdy would take your money donation and drop it in the box
 Jack got to pose with the eagles, he was so proud and excited about this! (You can't tell by his face, but he was literally jumping up and down for the opportunity, and excited to give a donation to help save the eagles)

 The polar bear was hiding today, although Jack is now a Polar Bear, I'm to remind him of this when he thinks he is a different character:), but the grizzly bears showed off really well.
 Carousal rides are always awesome! (Surprise! Jack is riding a polar bear and Annabelle a lion!)
This was Annabelle's first time she was brave enough to ride a carousal by herself, and Sophie's first time as well, she actually rode a monkey right next to Annabelle.
 mmm, ice cream!

 That does look good!

zonked out after a fun long day

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