Monday, May 28, 2018

Zoo for Sophie's Name Day

Sophie wanted to go to the zoo for her name day:)
And we dropped Babi off at the airport
Perfect weather - nice and cool so animals were active and rain held off until the bird show and carousel at the end
Such a fun day! The best was the baby orangutan giving his mom hard time:)

Friday, May 25, 2018

Wrapping up the School Year

This has been a big school year for all of us! I can't believe Jack is now going into 6th grade, Annabelle into 3rd and Soph into 1st! They have each grown so much!
 I don't know why this picture refuses to rotate - but here is Jack's soccer team at their final game- which they crushed:)
 My adorable 3 year old am and pm classes getting ready for their end of year performance of Cat in the Hat - Jack was my Cat this year:)

 Annabelle and Norah being cuties
 Annabelle and her Jazz class - end of year recital was awesome!
 Sophie and her combo class doing an Irish Jig- too cute for words:)

Sophie's Kindergarden Graduation!

What a great group of kids! So proud of Sophie for graduating at the top of her group!
She was an AMAZING Darth Vader in their play!
Love you sweetie!

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Hair Donations!

We had a girls baking day while the boys went shooting.
Here is a delicious gluten free pizza:)
 Annabelle has been growing her hair out for so long!
She has wanted to donate it in honor of her Aunts Michelle and Claudine since they both battled Cancer last year. We are mailing 9 inches to the Pantene Donation:)

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Hope of America

Jack participated in Hope of America this week! It was a great show!
There were 2,500 5th graders that took part in it!

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Annabelle's First Communion

Annabelle has been working so hard all year to earn her right for her First Communion:)
So proud of her!