Monday, February 15, 2016

Sledding with Stephen

The kids were so excited about snowboarding they couldn't wait to show dad their new skills!

Happy Birthday Babi!

Making Babi's birthday cake
 We took Babi sledding, such a great day for it!
 Jack and Annabelle tried out snowboarding, lots of crashes, but they're getting the hang of it!

 Then we went to see "Living Legends"
The kids loved it! These were their favorite dancers

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Cousin Sleepovers

Cousin sleepovers are always so much fun!
We did a lot of minute-to-win-it games
 Cup stacking was probably their favorite, followed by shooting the cups down with nerf guns
 After making balloon propelled paper airplanes we settled down to Home Alone
(love how comfortable Indy made himself with the kids)
 The kids requested more games in the morning
Moving m&m's with a straw from one plate to the next
 More cup stacking

 Taking cards out from between cups without them falling
 Putting oreo's in your mouth from your forehead without your hands and blowing feathers across the room (Indy's favorite, he kept stealing our feathers)
Great success!

Hockey and Gymnastics

This stud has moved up in hockey so much! From never ice skating before he skipped from level 1 to 3, and then got pushed up to hockey level 4 all so quickly!
He is well on his way to being on the hockey team next year, 
and he's worked so hard that for the first time he has all A's on his report card and no unfinished work!
 We went to a BYU gymnastics meet and got to meet Cosmo.
And Annabelle got her hip rolls on the bars down and has moved up to level 2 in gymnastics!

Snow, Snow, and More Snow

Our New Year's Bird Tree
 So much snow this year, we've had a lot of snowmen:)

Cats and Dogs

This is how we roll:)
Indy and Winter are always like this, and love how the rest cuddle