Sunday, May 31, 2015

2nd Grade Graduate!

What a great way to finish the 2nd grade! Jack placed in the top 10 second graders for the 3K Fun Run at school! He did so good!
 Dance to Chim Chiminy Charoo at the dance festival, so cute! He really learned it well this year!
 And the last day of school we went swimming and then to the 11 and 12 year old scout camp out with dad! Here's to a great summer!

Ready for Summer!

My little cuties so ready for the heat of summer to come! And showing off our cool new 'secret' garden next to the clubhouse

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Ritter Wedding

 Beautiful burgundy peonies for the bridesmaids bouquets

 Chapagne Garden roses, lisianthus and astilbe with burgundy peonies and light blue hydrangea to have something blue. Love it!

Leftovers for our table:)

Thursday, May 21, 2015

It's Graduation Day!

Annabelle has been working so hard all year long at preschool! Their program was great today!
She's been rehearsing, awesome karate to "Hit Me With Your Best Shot"
Dance to "George of the Jungle"
Songs "Jungle Rhythm" "Your a Grand Old Flag" "Bear Necessities" "It's Graduation Day!"
The alphabet song, sign language and sounds, days of the week, months of the year, counting by 2's, 5's and 10's, and so much more! Love her dedication, and so proud of my little darling!

 Getting her Diploma from Mrs. Renee
 She even threw her cap, so cute:)
Love our little cuties!


Miss Annabelle just had her first dance audition this week! Look at that cutie sassy girl! She had so much fun, too, can't wait to hear if she made it on the team!
 Jack took this cute picture of us the other day on the way to church:)

 I've been busy! Repainting the girls room, and then repainting it again to get this cute look all in prep for the long awaited bunk bed, so much fun!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Jack's First Communion

Our big boy had his First Communion today! It was one of the coldest days this spring, in the low 40's and pouring rain all day long. Our sweet boy has prepared for this all year long taking classes and doing double church and a regular bases, proud of him!

 Babi, Mama and Papa, Pani Elzunia and we were there. The girls were tired since Mass started at 5pm and slept through most of the ceremony. It was a beautiful ceremony.
 The handsome group of young men. There were 55 children stepping up to their First Communion today.
 Jack with Father Dave

 All of us at Babi's house for dinner after the ceremony.
 Jack with Mama and Papa and the banner he made in class.

The wonderful gifts he received, Thank you all!
His first Bible from Babi, along with a special first communion book.
A beautiful olive tree rosary and olive tree box to hold it in from Ciocia Ada
A Willow Tree Friendship Angel from us.
A Torcik Wedlowski from Pra-Dziadek
Swim Lessons from Pra-Babi
A check from Pani Elzunia.

Singing in the Rain

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Mother's Day

 I truly have THE greatest kids! Annabelle brought home this super cute poster, 'All About Me' from preschool this week, so sweet and so proud!
Jack made this awesome clay hand to hold my rings and a super funny and sweet book for me, love to see how he sees me through his eyes!
 Then we got to go to Jack's school for his Choir Concert and Art Gala, loved it! His self portrait as a firefighter is awesome! And Sophie dear just keeps telling me "You're MY mommy" yes, sweetie, I am:) And I couldn't possibly be luckier!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Red, Red Roses

Having some fun with these gorgeous red roses while testing a centerpiece for a future wedding.