Sunday, April 5, 2015


The kids did so well flying their kites today! Jack would get his bumble bee kite up high for 4-5 minutes at a time, when Annabelle got it, she really got it, and her butterfly kite would fly so well and so high also! It helped that it was really windy:) Perfect Easter afternoon activity!
 Sophie got a Ariel kite from the Easter bunny, and did really well flying it as well! She would be so cute, just walking along and her kite would sometimes crash and then take off again, she really had a good time!


Saturday, April 4, 2015

Easter Basket Blessing

We did it! We made a beautiful Easter basket for the blessing! (And then I accidentally left it next to the front door while locking it because I was rushing so much, whoops!) But we made it to the blessing, watched other people's baskets get blessed, and had a fun egg hunt:)
Sophie was so funny, she would pick an egg up and throw it back if it didn't meet her satisfaction:)
I was upset that I forgot the basket and said "Man, I sure do stupid things sometimes!"
Jack answered, "Yep, you sure do mom" major mom faux pas, oh well, had fun anyways and blessed the basket with faucet water at home:)

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Spring Adventures

Annabelle has been doing so well at her soccer games! I love how she gets in there and really tries to get the ball, even making goals!
I just wish it wasn't so hard each time to get dressed in shorts, socks and shin guards:)
 We had the chance to go on a school field trip to Harward Farms today with Jack's class, unfortunately I didn't get any pics of Jack, but here are the girls posing with some piggy's and freezing in the wind and snow while waiting for Jack's bus to show up. (one of the ONLY snow storms we've had this year)