Thursday, January 30, 2014

Preview To Fun In The Snow

 Annabelle's first time!

 Poor Babe, her hands are purple!
 Jack making Ciocia work hard:)
Playing together after a fun day outside:)

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A Few Fun Pics From Our Awesome Christmas Break with Ciocia Ada

 I have been trying to get a good picture with Sophie, here's some better ones:)
 My girls and I enjoying fun times in the snow
 Sophie cuddling close to Babi for warmth:)
 My little snow dog
 Love this pic of Ada and Sophie, see, everyone has good ones with her but me:)
 That's one happy girl saying peek-a-boo from the castle!
 Mom and Coco celebrating New Year's Eve
 The kids 'helping' Sophie down the slide at Kangaroo Zoo:)

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Szczesliwego Dnia Babci i Szczesliwch Urodzin!

 Kochana Babuniu,
Zyczymy Tobie bardzo dobrego Dnia Babci i szczesliwych Urodzin!  Duzo calusow i usciskow od nas wszystkich! Te bukiety sa niektore nad ktorymi pracowalam ostatnio.
Kochamy Ciebie!